Monday, March 9, 2009

4th Graders complete Animal Posters

One of B.T.Washington's 4th grade teachers asked us to integrate a science study into our art curriculum. As part of their science curriculum, these students have been researching a particular species. They read books, listed to tapes, and wrote a paper on their animal/insect. In the art room these students have been working on a poster that highlighted their species with 3 other elements: the habitat, the food they ate, and the species name.
Today the 4th grade group completed this project. Below are some of the posters.
This student ran out of time in completing the final details. You may see an outline of a bug towards the right side of the poster (near the action marks). I love the small flowers he started at the bottom.
This one has cute written all over it. Sweet.
The cottontail rabbit! Awesome.
This student was needy throughout the project, requiring step-by-step instruction. In the end, she was very successful and hopefully felt proud of her final results.
What is most funny about this image is that it has a raccoon tail going off of the poster. "I'm going to eat you!"