Monday, February 23, 2009

Kindergarten and Pop-up Houses

Today the kindergarten class completed working on their Pop-up House project. They had spent one day learning about house types and parts of the house, one day drawing their home, and two days making/coloring their pop-up home.
Intergrating Spanish. Teaching in a bilingual school has provided me with an opportunity to consider how I might integrate Spanish into my art room. For my Pop-up house project, I had students learn vocabulary words for parts of a house in both English and Spanish. They learned that the Spanish word for roof is techo, window is ventana, and door is puerta. While it was not a vocabulary word I ended up also teaching the word "pomo", which means doorknob in Spanish. I like this particular word. It reminds me of some of the art theory I need to get reading/writing about for my thesis. In art, PoMo is short for post modernism. When I was an undergraduate in graphic design we used to talk about pomo and popomo (post-post modernism, the probable time period after post modernism) and jokingly label our time period as popopomo.
So Many Houses. During the process of this project I had read the student a book called "So Many Houses", which I scanned into the computer to put on the Smartboard. Its a little, short book. Scanning it allowed me to make it big and keep the students' interest. I showed the students different types of houses that they may live in. Like a house-house, an apartment, trailer, and duplex. Helping students to identify their home and be able to draw it allowed me to learn a little about my students too. While the kindergarteners primarily made the house-house regardless of what their home looks like, the sketch they made on the second day of the project provided me an accurate idea of what they went home to.

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