Monday, February 2, 2009

Rainbow Fish Pop-up

The Rainbow Fish Pop-up is the first project I completed with the kindergarten class. I did not get any pictures of their book, but I have my teacher sample here so you may see the final results.
Students completed this project over the course of 4 days. During the first day they were introduced to color mixing. They used primary and secondary colors to paint 1/4" stripes in a rainbow pattern (R.O.Y.G.B.P.). For this age group it is important to emphasize proper material treatment, particularly keeping the brush clean between color changes and handling the brush. Also, when you demo tell the students that they want to leave no white spots between the paper.
During the second day, the students made the water paper that the pop-up would be assembled on. Blue paper with blue paints, students were encouraged to use at least 3 different brush strokes, lines and colors.
On the third day the students were read Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. This is a book about sharing, and the students made their pop-up based on this book. They learned about making a pop-up. Then they cut out their rainbow fish from their rainbow paper and begin collaging other elements like seaweed, a starfish, an octopus, and other fish into their background. They will complete this on day 4. They will get a shiny gill and googly eyes too. :)

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