Tuesday, February 3, 2009

2nd graders begin making printing plate

I gave the printing demonstration to the 2nd graders today. This image shows one of my samples (I will be doing different ones for each of my three 2nd grade classes). While the students did not get as far as printing today, they were able to transfer their face design onto their printing plate (made from Styrofoam) and begin coloring the print with either warm or cool colors.

The steps I had them do include:
  1. Outline their favorite face with black marker (some of the students I had marked a face with a star to encourage them to use that face. This was because they either used an example I gave for their face or if it was too complicated.).
  2. Raise their hand when they finished, so that I could tape their printing plate on the back of their handout.
  3. They were then to use a dull red pencil to go over the black marker lines. By doing this, they are pressing into the Styrofoam and leaving a faint image. The red pencil made it easy for them to see which lines they had drawn.
  4. Remove the printing plate from the back of their handout. Then go over the impressions with the dull red pencil again.
  5. Raise their hand and request either warm or cool colors.
  6. Begin coloring the face, remembering to blend the colors and emphasize the emotion with lines and design.
Most students at least began to color their plates. Any students that finished were given a book to read on emotions.

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