Tuesday, March 3, 2009

2nd graders complete their Emotional Face Collage

Today I updated the display outside of the art room with some of the completed Emotional Face Collages that my 2nd graders have been working on. My group today were completing their collages, so they will be doing their critique next session. Once my two final groups do critique I will add more to this display. Before class I organized all the materials for each of the table groups. I had paper from them to cut from, any uncompleted collages, new materials so that everyone would do at least one collage today, and a place where all the completed work was hanging from. I even rearranged some of the students to eliminate some of the talking that was happening last time, particularly from two boys who are BFF. They still were out of their seats getting up to be next to one another, but this will need to get eliminated over the next couple classes. I took some pictures today of the 2nd graders working on their collage. Many of the students had all their collage pieces cut out and ready to glue. This student is working on her second collage and is gluing her pieces onto the blue paper. At the end of class I concluded with having the students complete a self-assessment worksheet. They had to define what emotion they had been working on, if they were creative, if they worked quietly and paid attention, and so forth. Next time this group will do their critique and probably start their next project in that time.

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