Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Emotional Face Collage, critique

I absolutely love the results of the second grader's Emotional Face Collage project and think they all should be really proud. So today I led a critique. I started by explaining what a critique was, using a reference to the food critique in the cartoon Ratatouille. I had each student take turns coming up to the display of face collages and stand under their favorite collage. They could not select an image that had already been talked about or their own. One sweet little boy said that they were all his favorite. So cute!

The critique was perhaps a little long winded. Shauna suggested for the last group that I try just having the students talk about 5 pieces from the other classes. I will ask them to identify the emotion and look for how the artist had expressed the emotion through color and hair. Below are some of the final pieces the students had completed.

1 comment:

crazypaisley said...

Love this project! Did they collage using painting scraps of paper, or are those colors cut out of magazines. Either way, the kids did awesome.